Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My new addiction is Guitar Hero.  I love it and it is the first video game since super Mario Brothers in the late 80's(?) that I have been good at and have enjoyed.  It is fun to play with my kids and it is a great party game.  I can't put it down. In fact last night, I had good intentions of folding four loads of laundry and posting a blog, but of course, I put the kids to bed and picked up the guitar. Before I knew it, it was 11:30.  So I challenge anyone to a friendly match if you are interested.  Hopefully this won't last long, because I don't know how long I can live such a crazy life.  Jon wants me to write rock on, but I know that is lame.


Shanna said...

Danielle, don't even worry about it. I know you guys had a lot going on while you were up here. I forgive you :) Anyways... I hope the kids are feeling better. And tell Jon to make his own blog and write what he wants. Haha. So Guitar Hero, huh?? I come home for my birthday in a month so I'll take that challenge! I am still horrible at it, but my friends down the hall have one so I'll start practicing!! Super cute picture, by the way. I miss you guys! Hope all is well and give the family hugs for me :)

jeny said...

We finally got Rock Band. It a whole new addiction in itself. It's way fun!!
I got my tickets for "Girls weekend" I call you later.

jillian said...

WOO ROCK ON!!!! I played at sean and robins today and it was SO fun. Robin said that jase and sean play it like crazy! We need to have a warner tournament and see who is best. I can only do medium, but that is with little practice...I will challenge you soon.

Anonymous said...

I got %100 on Jonus, medium. a streak of 568 I think. BEAT THAT BABY!


Whitney Palmer said...

Thats so funny! I thought this was Braden posting at first....