Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Bath time is so much fun!!

I love the age where taking a bath just makes their day and it seems to make any grumpy, tired child happy.  Carley gets so excited if anyone even mentions the word bath and starts walking up the stairs saying "ba, ba" in her cute little language.  Jensen always wants bubbles, and every time Berkeley is here, they always stay in the tub for record times.


Anonymous said...

Alla hu akhbar!!!

Anonymous said...

It could give you more facts.

Anonymous said...

Considering the fact that it could be more accurate in giving informations.

Anonymous said...

that doesn't happen everyday. wish you all the best.

Anonymous said...

It could give you more facts.

Anonymous said...

Concentrate to the things that could give information to the people.

Anonymous said...

Well for me its better to be more realistic.

jeny said...

HOLY COW!!! you NEED to put word verification on your blog so you don't get all those random comments.

Whitney Palmer said...

you gotta block all the spam on your account. those comments are ridiculous.
anyways....i cant believe how much Berkeley and Carley look alike in these bath pictures. I had both pictures viewable on my screen and my eyes went back and forth between their two faces....try it, itll trip you out!
so very cute!